NEXCOM Remains A Leading Intel Platform Provider NEXCOM, a leading supplier of network appliances, has been selected to be part of 2021 Titanium Level in Intel Network Builders Winners’ Circle Program.
新汉网络通信解决方案小组正准备用新技术迎接5G的挑战 NEXCOM’s Network and Communication Solutions Group (NCS), leading supplier of network appliances, is ready to take on the challenges of 5G technology with its newest uCPE...
兴汉携手Intel 于2019 APSARA大会发布基于5G&WIFi6企业等级uCPE NEXSEC -introduces the fastest Wireless connection of uCPE, DTA1161-5G, in 2019 APSARA conference today. DTA1161-5G is designed for consistently high bandwidth, low late...